Cleared Hot interview with Andy Stumpf- Eddie Gallagher is a retired Navy SEAL. He received national attention when he was charged with war crimes in September of 2018, and subsequently acquitted in July of 2019. Eddie served for 20 years and completed 8 deployments, including tours to both Afghanistan and Iraq.
We were thrilled to recently get word from the Department of Defense that their mandatory security review of the The Man in the Arena manuscript has concluded, and we expect their final report in early April. Once we have reviewed their requested redactions (we don’t anticipate many), the book will immediately go to print, and those who pre-ordered signed, first-edition copies can expect to begin receiving their books toward the end of May.
Apple is no stranger to podcasts, but now it's using them to help boost TV+ viewership. Variety reports that Apple has introduced The Line, its first combination of a podcast with an original show. Jeffery Zimbalist's video documentary on former Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher doesn't debut until the fall, but you can already listen to a six-part audio series on Apple Podcasts that includes interviews with Gallagher and his wife, "exclusive reporting" and other insights into the soldier's alleged criminal activity.